3 trending careers in medical billing and coding

3 Trending Careers in Medical Billing and Coding

If you want to be involved in the healthcare field, but prefer a more administrative role, you should consider getting a degree in medical billing and coding. As healthcare becomes more complex, there is an increased demand for professionals who can ensure that healthcare providers are reimbursed for their services, and that patients receive accurate […]


AHA vs BHA – Skincare Routine Benefits!

When it comes to skincare, exfoliating is a key step in achieving healthy, radiant-looking skin. While there are many types of exfoliants available, two of the most popular are AHA and BHA. Both are chemical exfoliants that work to remove dead skin cells and unclog pores, but they have different properties and benefits. What is […]


Is Becoming an LPN the Right Move for You?

If you’re interested in joining the ever-growing healthcare industry, becoming a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) could be the right choice for you. LPNs play a vital role in providing care to patients in hospitals, clinics, long-term care facilities, and other healthcare settings. However, like any other career choice, there are many factors to consider when […]


Top 5 Reasons to Enroll in a Barber Styling/Cosmetology Program

If you want to start a career in the beauty industry, enrolling in Daytona College’s Barber Styling/Cosmetology program is a great way to expand your career options and broaden your horizons. Here are five reasons why this program is a smart choice for your future. Gain Valuable Skills Daytona College can provide you with hands-on […]

Medical Billers and Coders

Resume Tips for Medical Billers and Coders

If you’re interested in joining the healthcare industry, but prefer administrative duties over direct patient care, a career as a medical biller or coder may be right for you. If you want to land the job of your dreams, you’ll need to create a compelling resume that helps you stand out from other candidates. Here […]

Beauty Tools

Tips for Cleaning your Beauty Tools

Whether you are a beauty enthusiast or are hoping to start a career in the beauty industry, it’s important to be meticulous about keeping your beauty tools clean and pristine. Routinely cleaning your beauty tools will not only extend their lifespan but will also prevent the growth and spread of bacteria. Read on for the […]

Daytona College - Skincare Routine

2023 Skincare Routine 

With so many skincare products out there today, it can be hard to know not only which products you need to use, but also, in what ORDER. Well, we’re making it simple for you. Honestly, most people can get by with just three skincare products – a gentle cleanser, a simply fragrance-free moisturizer, and a […]

Daytona College

Beauty Trends in 2023

As we get ready to usher in a new year, it’s also time to roll out the latest beauty trends for 2023. Some of these new trends are in direct opposition to what was popular in 2022, so be sure to read up on what’s in, so no one can say that your look is […]

Barber Stylist

Benefits of Becoming a Barber Stylist

If you love making people look and feel their best, you should consider training to become a barber stylist. Barbers can make a good living, work anywhere, enjoy flexible hours and work in a fun, friendly atmosphere – plus they also can have a level of independence and freedom that other professions don’t. Read on […]

Daytona College

4 Benefits of a Hydrotherapy

Hydrotherapy Massage, also known as Hydromassage or Water Therapy, is a therapeutic massage technique that uses pressurized water to help massage muscles and other soft tissues. Traditionally, hydromassage required you to wear a bathing suit and lay in warm water while pressurized jets could be adjusted to reach specific pain points. Today, there are also […]