5 useful tips to find a barber/cosmetology school

5 Useful Tips to Find a Barber/Cosmetology School in Daytona

Barbers, beauticians, nail technicians and skin care specialists are always in demand, so why not put your passion to work? Here are some tips for finding the perfect school to fit your needs.

1. Check out and compare the programs offered

See what programs the school offers in your area of interest. Are they teaching you what you’ll need to know to successfully pass your licensure exams? Does the coursework sound engaging and fun? Can they work with your schedule and quickly get you ready to enter the workforce? At Daytona College, we offer a wide range of excellent beauty programs, including diplomas in Cosmetology and Barber Styling/Cosmetology. We are also the only cosmetology school in Volusia County offering the renowned Pivot Point curriculum.

2. Look for schools that offer real-world experience

There’s no better way to prepare for a beauty career in the real world than with hands-on experience. Daytona College, for example, empowers our students to learn in an actual salon environment, and practice cutting, coloring, and styling hair on real, live people.

3. Research their career support services

Ultimately, you’re looking for a great cosmetology school because you want to launch a successful career. When you are reviewing beauty schools, be sure to check out each school’s career services department. Do they offer graduate placement services? Hold on-campus recruiting and interviewing events in your field? Can they help provide guidance for your job search, helpful interviewing strategies, and networking opportunities?

4. Be sure the school is licensed/accredited

Steer away from any beauty “school” that is not appropriately licensed or accredited. Schools that are licensed and accredited have proven that they meet certain educational standards so you know that you’re getting an “accredited” education. Employers are more likely to want to hire students who come from accredited schools. Check out Daytona College’s licensure, accreditation, and recognition.

5. Review graduate success stories

Finally, there’s no better way to learn about a school than hearing from their students and graduates. Read success stories or testimonials to get a feel for the student experience and to hear how graduates went on to get their dream jobs. Maybe someday soon, you’ll be sharing your own career success story.

If you’re passionate about beauty and want to stay in (or relocate to) the beautiful Daytona Beach area, it’s time to check out the variety of beauty and wellness programs offered at Daytona CollegeContact us or call us at 866-560-5499 to learn more.