4 useful tips for finding a medical assistant school

4 Things to Consider When Choosing a Medical Assisting Program

If you’re interested in training to become a medical assistant, congratulations! Medical assistants are vital to keeping our healthcare system running smoothly, and provide valuable assistance to doctors and nurses, as well as providing care and support for patients. Here are four important things to consider when you are trying to decide which school is the best fit.

Does the school offer the kind of medical assisting program I want?

What type of medical assisting program are you interested in? If you want to go the fastest route, you should look at medical assisting diploma programs. If you want to invest a little more time and effort for additional employment opportunities, a Medical Assisting Associate of Science Degree may be the better choice for you. Also consider whether you want to attend classes in-person, online, or take a hybrid approach. Make sure the school you choose offers you the options you want.

Is the school accredited?

To be eligible to take your certification exam(s), you need to enroll in a diploma or associate degree program in medical assisting that is accredited. Program graduates at Daytona College qualify for the Registered Medical Assistant (RMA) certification exam, offered through the American Medical Technologists Association as well as the EKG Technician Certification (CET) and the Phlebotomy Technician Certification (CPT) exams through the National Healthcare Association. These certifications can open the door to different career paths and opportunities.

Can I afford to attend a medical assisting program?

The good news is that attending a school to train to become a medical assistant is often affordable. There is a range of financial aid options available, including grants, loans, scholarships, federal aid and more. If you need help paying for school, check out Daytona College’s Financial Aid department, they will work with you to create a payment plan while attending school, or direct you to the appropriate organization that may be able to assist you. 

Will the program prepare me for a career in the real world?

Make sure that the medical assisting program you choose provides you with valuable, hands-on experience in real-world settings so that you feel confident and prepared when you start your career. At Daytona College, even if you attend our online classes, you’ll still get that hands-on experience during externships in actual medical facilities. Additionally, our Career Services team will provide our medical assisting students with the assistance and guidance on employment opportunities.

If you’re interested in a career as a medical assistant, check out the programs at Daytona College. We offer an Associate of Science Degree in Medical Assisting and a Medical Assisting Diploma program that will prepare you for a healthcare career. To learn more, visit our websitecontact us, or give us a call at (386) 267 – 0565.